The PTH is not and filter or purifier, but a conditioner or softner.

How does it work?

The devise works on the principle of de-ionisation. When water passes through the device and over the inner core, electron impulses are remitted into the water, bringing about electrochemical changes to the ions in the dissolved minerals, whilst the Hydrogen bonding of the water (H2O) molecules are relaxed, thus decreasing the surface tension, resulting in wetter water. The device requires a proper earth to allow for a constant flow of electrons to be released into the passing water.

Advantages of PTH

•PTH is considerably cheaper
•Requires practically no maintenance. Whereas resin softeners cannot function without regular salt charging.
•PTH has no parts to be replaced, and therefore absolutely no maintenance costs.
•Resin softeners have already been banned in several places worldwide becuase of the salty discharges released from resin softener in the soil during brine rinse process, cause brackness and “nothing” grows in brack soil. PTH, on the other hand, stimulates crops – up to 200% increase in crop yields.
•Easy installation. In-line. Sturdy, practical device. No moving parts. Unbreakable. Eliminates chemicals.
•PTH is smaller and more compact than resin softener, and may easily be disconnected and taken with when owner moves house.

PTH is EXCELLENT for swimming pools where it will yield good results in four areas:  
1, Soft water to enjoy your swimming pool better
2. Protection of pumps and filter
3. Prevention of scale build-up on sides of pool
4. Massive reduction of HTH use – up to 50%, which is a huge saving.